Consuming to Create

This blog post explores the journey from passive content consumption to active creativity. It challenges the idea that consumption is counterproductive, instead presenting it as a vital source of inspiration for our own creativity.

Shantelle Awomoyi

2/19/20243 min read

It doesn’t take a genius to see that many people are languishing, experiencing stagnancy rather than living their lives to the fullest. It feels as though you’re in the passenger seat, watching everything pass you by as you look out of the window, instead of taking control of the car and ensuring you reach your desired destination 🚘. The question is, why? What’s stopping you from progressing, from achieving your goals, from being productive?

My own revelation💡

This is a feeling that most of us have felt and probably will feel again at some point. I recently gave up watching TV for Lent as I realised that I spend far too much time watching the Real Housewives franchises. This small change made me think about how much time I spend passively consuming content and media, and how little time I have spent actively creating anything. It’s been months since the last time I built a project at a hackathon, produced a podcast episode, or made some jewellery, and years since the last time I wrote a piece for my blog... am I languishing?

I started to think about what would be different if we decided to spend less time taking in other people’s ideas (consuming) and started spending more time bringing our own ideas to life (creating). I’m not saying that you have to stop consuming altogether; that would be silly. The key is finding a balance ⚖️. Growing up, my dad always used to tell me and my siblings, “Everything in moderation.” You don’t have to do too much, just enough.

Building habits hurts🤕

Personally, I’ve decided to get my consuming vs creating ratio back on track. Instead of spending hours every week watching shows and doomscrolling through social media - TikTok, I’m talking to you 🫵🏿 - I’ve dedicated this time to creating and making. This blog is proof!

A big part of this process is building new habits, but building new habits is hard, and it hurts because it involves significant change. Think about the last time you tried to change something in your life. Was it challenging and uncomfortable? Unfortunately, it’s supposed to be; our brains are wired in such a way to see change as a threat because it leads to uncertainty. I like to remind myself of the emotional cycle of change to help me remember that the discomfort is temporary and it will all get easier.

"When the going gets tough, the tough get going"🏔

A call to creation🫡

The journey from passive consumption to active creation is challenging but immensely rewarding. It's up to each of us to reclaim the narrative of our lives, choosing to be the drivers rather than the passengers. As I embark on this path towards a healthier consuming vs creating balance, I encourage you to reflect on your own habits. Are there areas in your life where you could shift the balance towards more creation?

Remember, it's not about eliminating fun or the joy found in others' work but about finding that sweet spot where your own creativity gets the spotlight it deserves 🔦. Let's make the conscious decision to bring more of what we love into the world, one small step at a time.

That being said, what will you create? How will you make today different? Let's embrace the discomfort of change, knowing that it's the path to growth, creativity, and ultimately, a life lived fully and with intention.